Thursday, April 7, 2011

Poe's Eerie Obsession

Poe's obsession with death was clearly displayed in his writing. "Annabel Lee" was a prime example. Perhaps it was the cause behind all of his writing. Although Annabel Lee was his beloved wife, he had an eerie love obsession for her. He states in his poem that although she has departed this world physically, he knows their souls are still entwined. It gets strange when he starts to get slightly delusional. He states that he continuously relives their memories in his head and also lays by her tombstone at night. Poe believed that everyone he loved died because of him. He thought he walked around with the touch of death. All that he cares for and care for him die, but not of old age. I can understand why Poe wrote many of his works. Although he is still a strange writer to me, I do admire his work.

Submitted by Diane Caimares

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