Friday, March 4, 2011

Short Story of the Month club

My top two picks are definitely the A&P by John Updike, and The Storm by Kate Chopin. First I’ll talk about the A&P, if you like stories based in the 1950s era, this is a story for you. I could almost feel Sammy’s frustrations throughout entire story. The setting was clearly defined by the author even though I never lived in the 1950s reading this story made me feel like I had. The way you know how the town’s people are, president upon president generation after generation centered on conservative and uptight views of life in general. Clearly setting the tone describing the beautiful girls and their mysterious clothing, as for today, if girls were to walk into a store dressed like that no one would even turn around and bat an eye. And the reason its acceptable today are because of more and more Sammy’s in the world. You could completely feel the intolerance of everyone in that store, except for Sammy felt towards the girls. The author did a great job of painting such a clear picture of the story, made me feel like I rooted for Sammy, questioning society and its harsh judgment on individuality. I am already trying to find more stories by John Updike. Another fan favorite for me was The Storm by Kate Chopin. The author in my opinion makes me feel like 2 wrongs make a right. Now generally I am not for adultery, but you feel like the only way Calixta could be happy, and Alcee could feel secure with him with his family being away would be for this growing lust over many years. My favorite line in the whole story, without giving too much away is the very last line, “so the storm passed and everyone was happy.” It sets the tone for the author’s originality to let the weather set the tone for each up and down of this story. I believe that he is referring the author is trying to get across that every character and this story benefited from a usual family wrecking event to something more beautiful and earth shattering.

Submitted by Jennifer Morgan

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